Saturday, November 17, 2007


The slogan for the South Shore Tri should be Try-a-Tri! Triathlons can be for kids, teens, adults, and families. Trimasters recruited me in 1999 and next summer will be my 10th season; the Danskin, which is one of the largest triathlons for women, was looking for first timers and Trimasters supplied the training and perks. Once I completed my first Danskin I was hooked! I have my Sally Edwards poster hanging in my office (she is a famous triathlete who completes every Danskin triathlon and runs in with the last contestant so they won't be last) which states "The woman who finishes the race is never the same woman who started" or something like that :) What I like about competing in Triathlons is the cross training...swimming, cycling and running...something different to practice rather than a boring workout routine in the gym. Lastly, this type of race is great for the person who may have never excelled in a single sport, but put them all together, and your strengths overcome your weaknesses and you can be a champion!!!

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