Monday, February 4, 2008

Don't Miss Out on All the Fun of this year's 3rd Annual Tri-Masters Triathlon on Saturday August 2nd!

And be sure check out how fantastic the 2nd Annual Tri-Masters Triathlon was from the summer of 2007!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Tri Chicago

I tried Chicago and let me tell you...WOW! The South Shore Triathlon and Kids Tri is a great event. Who knew that I could get a great work out and have so much fun; all in my back yard (Of Course You Did). Forget about paying for parking, forget about over crowded swims, forget about extremely long distances between transition areas!!!

Be ready for a great course, good eats, and wonderful treats after the race. Did I mention the Kids Race? Again WOW! To see young men and women ranging in age of 7-17 years swimming, biking, and running along the lakefront as grandparents, moms & dads cheer them on is truly a good feeling.

The race itself is mapped out nicely; the swim is well staffed by Chicago Park District Life Guards, the quick jog to the transition area is fast, the bike route takes you to one of Chicago's most beautiful places; Promontory Point, and the run course keeps you close to the harbor while giving you a great look at the lake and all the boats.

I will participant next year at the South Shore Triathlon and recommend that you mark it on your calendar as well (August 2, 2008). Phone a friend or sign up a buddy...this race is for you and for your family; become an active participant; Tri Chicago!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

1st Tri

Hi everyone-

In 2003, I was surprise to see my sister actively doing a triathlon because usually she was a bookworm and I was the active one in sports. I've never heard of "triathlon" and wanted to learn more, so therefore, my sister introduced me to the team she joined. It was exciting to meet all of the athletes on Team Dream and Derrick Milligan, the founder and coach of TD. There were so many women from different backgrounds. With their help and my sister's, I've learned alot and participated in my 1st tri in 2004 in Wisconsin at Danskin, then 2 weeks later, Reebok Tri in Naperville. I was a bit nervous about open water swim and my sister recommend a swim race at Lake in the Hills called the Splish, Splash, Dash. That year the water was so cold at 67 degrees, I nearly froze and dog paddled the whole 200 yards. I was so glad to see my mom standing nearby with a big warm towel! But the following year, the water was warm enough to not wear a wetsuit. I've watch some of my team 'sistas' swim half miles in minutes and 1 mile less then 30 minutes. Most of them, participate in more then 3 or more races a year including South Shore Tri, but the main event for Team Dream is Danskin.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


The slogan for the South Shore Tri should be Try-a-Tri! Triathlons can be for kids, teens, adults, and families. Trimasters recruited me in 1999 and next summer will be my 10th season; the Danskin, which is one of the largest triathlons for women, was looking for first timers and Trimasters supplied the training and perks. Once I completed my first Danskin I was hooked! I have my Sally Edwards poster hanging in my office (she is a famous triathlete who completes every Danskin triathlon and runs in with the last contestant so they won't be last) which states "The woman who finishes the race is never the same woman who started" or something like that :) What I like about competing in Triathlons is the cross training...swimming, cycling and running...something different to practice rather than a boring workout routine in the gym. Lastly, this type of race is great for the person who may have never excelled in a single sport, but put them all together, and your strengths overcome your weaknesses and you can be a champion!!!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Welcome to the 21st Century by way of the Tri-Masters Blog!! It is only the beginning....

Thursday, November 8, 2007

21st Century

This is my first EVER contribution to a Blog. Won't write much...just gonna observe what happens when I send this message!!

Great pictures, too.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

PR Professional in Training...Maybe;)

After voluntering and playing pooblicist to the Tri-Masters Sports Initiatives Programs last summer....i am considering...considering participating in the 2008 Tri-Masters Triathlon. For anyone else in my position that is are a few tips (and maybe, see you at the finish line):

Richard Allen's tips for Tri success:

1. Train consistently. Don’t overtrain then have to have a week off. Regular short rest days help you recover and keep training.

2. Know your heart rates - most people don’t – and train at the right intensity.

3. Join a club. Particularly for swimming it’s good to have someone else looking at your stroke.

4. Find other races and have a race plan for the whole year. Have key races that you want to perform in and practice races Rest up for the key races and try new ideas in practice events.

5. Speed work in your training for Ironman or Half Ironman is good for your muscle conditioning. Do some shorter races before an Ironman to get in shape. But make sure you are very well rested before the big day. --- This piece was featured in GQ Sport, November 2006.